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From Rock Star to Code Slinger: My Unconventional Journey in Tech

Member Q & A with Jason Kozel

We’re switching things up a bit and diving into a member Q&A with Createscape member Jason Kozel, who has been with us since April 2023. We sat down with Jason, a Solutions Engineer, who has a truly unique story. From rockstar dreams to coding symphonies, Jason’ s journey is filled with unexpected turns and hidden talents. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and get ready to be entertained and inspired by Jason’s story in his own words!

They say life rarely goes according to plan, and let me tell you, mine has been a wild ride. I used to dream of shredding on guitar under stadium lights, living the life of a rockstar. Turns out, that dream came with a hefty price tag of ramen noodles and questionable living situations. So, I traded in my plectrum for a keyboard and dove headfirst into the world of tech.

Now, I don't want to paint a picture of complete misery. But the reality is, I found my calling in building solutions as a Solutions Engineer at Crowdbotics. It's like composing the perfect software symphony, except with slightly less spandex and a lot more debugging.

When I'm not wrangling code, you can find me unwinding in three ways: hurtling down mountains on my snowboard, battling it out in the virtual world of Battlefield, or cruising around on my trusty bicycle. Oh, and did I mention I'm a closet rockstar? I may not be filling stadiums, but I can still hold my own on the guitar (although my fingers might not agree after a long day of coding).

But wait, there's more! I also have a hidden talent for drumming, and I'm recently exploring the fascinating world of stained glass. Turns out, there's an artist in all of us, even code-wielding ones like me.

Speaking of goals, I'm currently aiming to see my company reach new heights, either through a glorious IPO or a friendly acquisition by a tech giant. On a personal level, I'm always striving to improve my skills and stay ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving tech landscape. But hey, who am I kidding? My ultimate dream is to achieve peak productivity while experiencing minimal stress. Sounds simple, right?

Life has definitely thrown me some curveballs. One of the hardest lessons I learned? Unsolicited advice often comes with a hefty dose of self-interest. The best advice I ever received? Actually, it's the opposite: don't listen to unsolicited advice! (See, I told you it was good.)

If I could go back in time, I'd tell my younger self to simply enjoy the ride. Savor every moment, even the challenging ones, because they all shape who you become.

Jason Kozel is set up at a large, open-seating teaming table in the Howdy Room at Createscape Coworking, getting ready to begin his day.

Speaking of life-changing experiences, traveling the world for five years after college definitely opened my eyes. From the eye-opening culture of Saudi Arabia to the incredible livability of South Korea and the breathtaking beauty of New Zealand, each place offered a unique perspective on life. And let's not forget India, a land of endless fascination and complexity.

So, why coworking? It's simple. I like to keep my work life and personal life separate. At a traditional office, conversations inevitably revolve around work, even during breaks. Coworking provides a refreshing escape from that constant loop. Plus, the diverse community at Createscape keeps things interesting and helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance. The daily ritual of setting up and taking down my workspace also adds a nice structure to my day.

As for fun facts? Well, my go-to karaoke song is "Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis. It just hits the right spot, you know? And the weirdest thing that ever happened to me? Getting my passport confiscated by a soldier in Sri Lanka (thankfully, it was a brief misunderstanding).

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be Jack Black. He just seems like a fun guy with endless stories to tell. And my favorite food? A tie between pickles and kimchi. I know, I know, some people find them a bit... intense. But hey, to each their own!

So, there you have it. My life may not have turned out exactly as I planned, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's been a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. Who knows, maybe I'll even find a way to combine my tech skills with my musical passion. Now that would be a rockstar move.

- Jason Kozel